English Class 9 Notes Chapter 7

English Class 9 Notes Chapter 7

English Class 9 Notes Chapter 7


Why did Hazrat Umar (RA) weep?Hazrat Umar (RA) wept because he was so touched by the generosity of Hazrat Usman (RA).Why did the Jew agree to Hazrat Usman's (RA) offer?While the Jew did not agree to Hazrat Usman's (RA) offer at first, he realized that it would be more profitable to make Hazrat Usman (RA) a partner as he was a rich businessman.What easy steps can you incorporate into your life to foster generosity?Some simple steps we can incorporate in our lives to foster generosity include being generous with our time and energy as well as our money. Offering help to those in need, even in the smallest things, can make us generous people. Giving money to the needy and performing small acts of kindness for the people around us while expecting nothing in return are steps, we can include in our lives to become generous people.How did the Jew realise a bitter lesson?The Jew learned a bitter lesson when he sold half of the share of Baire Roma to Hazrat Usman (RA). Hazrat Usman offered that share to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and it was declared in Madina that everyone could carry as much water they needed, free of cost, on the day appointed for Hazrat Usman (RA). Both the Jews and Muslims made full use of Hazrat Usman's (RA) generosity and carried enough water to last for the next day as well, leaving the Jew unable to earn any profit on his days.What is the role of generosity in Islamic history?The role of generosity is extremely significant in Islamic history. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) and companions have displayed incredible generosity on countless occasions throughout history and have been kind to even those who wronged them.Service to humanity is liked by Allah. Elaborate.In Islam, great importance is placed on service to humanity. Service to humanity is indeed service to Allah, as Allah loves humanity. Those who love and are generous to their fellow humans - believers or unbelievers - are dear to Allah. It is one of the basic commandments of Islam that we should help and serve others.

This is what we have been ordered by Allah Almighty and His Prophet (PBUH) to do, and this is what we have been taught by the Holy Quran. We must help a person who is in difficulty, whether he be a Muslim or a non-Muslim.What did Hazrat Usman (RA) do when the Holy Prophet (SAW) said,
"Is there anyone here who would like to purchase paradise for himself in return for Bair-e-Roma"When the Holy Prophet asked if there was anyone present at the mosque who wished to purchase paradise for himself in return for Bair-e-Roma, Hazrat Usman (RA) got up and left the mosque quietly.Why did Hazrat Usman (RA) keep on rejecting the offer of Hazrat Umar (RA)?Hazrat Usman (RA) kept rejecting the offer Hazrat Umar (RA) because he had already sold his stock to Allah, who had promised to pay him much more. He had planned to distribute the flour among the people in the name of Allah.Identify a real-life situation/problem that could be improved with generosity and how you display personal generosity to that situation/problem? Poverty is a major problem for many countries in the world, and a developing country like Pakistan has been struggling with this major issue since its independence. The gap between the rich and poor of Pakistan has only been widening through the years. With the generosity of the wealthy, this problem could be eliminated. Sharing even a small part of their wealth would make a great difference for the poor.

While countless people are working for this cause and make generous donations often, there are many who still turn their heads away from this situation. I would like to display generosity myself, and actively work to help the impoverished of my country by making donations and educating the poor people so they can find higher-paying jobs, and protecting their rights.


A) Look up the meaning of the following words in the glossary and make sentences to clearly bring out the meaning.

a) difference between 'fetch' and 'bring'

Bring is used to talk about the motion of an object to the place where the speaker is at the moment of speaking.
To fetch something is to go to the area where it is and then bring it back to the current location.

b) difference between 'famous' and 'notorious'

Famous: well-known, renowned
Notorious: infamous

c) difference between 'crime' and 'sin'

crime: illicit, unlawful
sin: wrongdoing, misdemeanor

d) difference between 'desert' and 'barren'

The difference between barren and desert is that barren is an area of low fertility and habitation, a desolate place while the desert is a barren area of land or desolate terrain, especially one with little water or vegetation; a wasteland.

B) Write the contextual meanings of the following words.

- well

- calmly

- embraces

- begged

- load

- profitable

well: a water well, a structure created in the ground by drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers.
calmly: patiently
embraces: an act of holding someone closely in one's arms.
begged: request something earnestly
load: a quantity of items carried from one place to another
profitable: moneymaking, beneficial


A) Write an essay about 100-150 words on "Generosity" using the mind map

Essay: Generosity
Placing someone else's needs above your own in an act of selflessness and helping them is generosity. You sacrifice your time, money and even energy for the sake of someone else.

Examples of generosity can be seen in all parts of the world. This virtue is only found in those who truly wish to make others' lives easier and pleasant. Generous people do not expect anything in return. They are kind for the sake of kindness. Generosity knows no limits. It is not just limited to material help. Being kind and encouraging to those who need confidence is also a form of generosity. Comforting a nervous classmate or motivating a dismayed family member at the cost of your time are acts of generosity we all perform.

A quality that we may observe in generous people is that they always save in order to give. They always make sure they have the time and material to help those in need because you cannot be generous at your own convenience.
The world, in its current condition, truly needs generous people.

C) Your grandfather has left you money but you have to spend some amount on helping mankind/underprivileged. How will you do it?

I would spend the money my grandfather left me to help the underprivileged by donating in trusted organizations. Not all of us have the ability to judge how and when someone needs help, and it is best we do not make such great decisions on our own. Countless people could use such assistance and it is the duty of the privileged to help as many of them as possible. Non-profit organizations exist to help.

They work for a cause and if all the wealthy people in society lend maximum support to such organizations, the problem of poverty would be eradicated. I would like to spend the money in my grandfather's name and pray to Allah that he lives a peaceful afterlife.

D) Write down the summary of the lesson "The Two Bar"

In the lesson, the Two Bargains, the author describes generosity through the actions of Hazrat Usman (RA), one of the closest companions of the Holy Prophet. We learn about his generosity with Baire Roma and the Jew when first bought half of the well's share to facilitate the people of Madina, and then bought the entire well to help the Jew.

After this, we learn about his generosity when a famine broke out in Arabia during the time of Hazrat Umar (RA). He bought a thousand camel-load of food and had it distributed among the people of Madina. Through Hazrat Usman (RA)'s example, we learn the importance of generosity.

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Fakhr e Alam


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