English Class 9 Notes Chapter 4 for kpk

English Class 9 Notes Chapter 4 for kpk

Read out the text and answer the following questions

English Class 9 Notes Chapter 4 for kpk

Is there any personification in this poem? If yes, where?Yes, there is an example of personification in the poem. In the first stanza of the poem, the last line describes the daffodils "fluttering and dancing in the breeze", which means they are moving back and forth because of the gentle wind.Write at least two lines showing similes.Following are the lines showing similes:
"I wandered lonely as a cloud"
"Continuous as the stars that shine"What does the word "crowd" exactly mean?The word "crowd" means a large number of the daffodils; the countless daffodils spread in a long line along the basin.Why does the poet compare himself to a cloud?The poet compares himself to a cloud that floats over valleys and hills because he was walking around alone aimlessly.

Write the main idea of the poem.

The main idea of the poem is the value of moments that seem insignificant when they are happening but are actually profound for us. Those are the moments our mind recalls when we are by ourselves in a gloomy mood, cheering us up.

Do you like this poem? Why?

Yes, I like this poem. I like it because the poet, William Wordsworth, expresses the feeling of reminiscing about a meaningful moment perfectly. His thoughts about the beautiful daffodils represent our memories of events and sights in life that brought us great joy.


A) Deduce the meaning from the following words. Confirm your meaning from the dictionary. never-endinggleeblisstwinklesparklingstretch

1. Oft: archaic form of often
2. Never-ending: incessant; continuous
3. Glee: great delight; elation
4. Bliss: great happiness; perfect joy
5. Twinkle: shine with a gleam that changes constantly from bright to faint.
6. Sparkling: shining brightly with flashes of light.
7. Stretch: extend or spread over an area or period of time, or be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.

B) Can you tell which the lines of the poem indicate:

- comparison of daffodils with stars

- speaker's solitariness to that of a cloud

- comparison of daffodils to a crowd of people

- comparison of daffodils to dancing humans

1. The first and second lines of the second stanza:
"Continuous as the stars that shine
  And twinkle on the Milky way,"
2. The first and second lines of the first stanza:
"I wandered lonely as a cloud
 That floats on high o'er vales and hills,"
3. The third and fourth lines of the first stanza:
"When all at once I saw a crowd,
 A host, of golden daffodils;"
4. The last line of the second stanza:
"Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance."

C) Which word of the poem means the same as:


- number of daffodils                                     host of daffodils

- glance                                                             gaze

- happy feeling                                                glee; gay

- deep thought                                                 pensive mood

- blessing                                                          wealth


A) Now paraphrase the second stanza of the poem "The Daffodils".

The daffodils were ceaseless as the stars of the milky way. They spread in a seemingly endless line along the margin of a basin. The poet saw countless at first sight. The daffodils were moving back and forth as if they were dancing happily.

B) Now write the summary of the poem, The Daffodils.

The poet, William Wordsworth, tells us he was wandering by himself when he suddenly saw countless yellow daffodils. He looked at them but barely realized the immense pleasure that the sight of the daffodils had brought to him. Often, when he lies on his couch in a contemplative mood, his mind's eye shows him the memory of the daffodils, filling his heart with happiness.

- read more: English Class 9 Notes Chapter 1 for kpk

- English Class 9 Notes Chapter 2 for kpk

Fakhr e Alam


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